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Suche eine nette Gefährtin aus dem Raum Wien.

23.10.2008 15:54 • 12.11.2008 #1

Hallo Kinski !
Schön, dass du noch da bist, aber das ist doch hier kein Partnersuch-Forum.

Liebe Grüsse,


23.10.2008 16:34 • #2



x 3


Partneragentur Doris Wolf und Rolf Merkele


23.10.2008 16:49 • #3

warum soll man das nicht machen?
gerade einsame wissen ja nicht wo man hin gehen soll
ich finde,sowas gehört ,hier hinein
ps:sag mal:was hast denn so schlimmes geschrieben,das es von dir gelöscht wurde?

23.10.2008 16:51 • #4

Kinski wen meinstdu ??

Vieleicht Macht ja Doris und Robbi 1Partnervermittlungsthreat auf

23.10.2008 16:52 • #5

den hl

23.10.2008 16:54 • #6

?? Ich lese HL doch hier im Forum immer? HÄÄÄ ? Gelöscht was und wo bitte sehr?

23.10.2008 16:55 • #7

ja der wird das schon wissen

23.10.2008 16:56 • #8

Ich halt mich daraus OK . Ist euer Ding nicht meins,

23.10.2008 16:57 • #9

das ist auf:
herr kinski und die SB seite 8

23.10.2008 16:59 • #10

das ist auf:
herr kinski und die SB seite 8

23.10.2008 16:59 • #11

Interressiert mich nicht die Bohne .

23.10.2008 17:11 • #12

ja warum fragst du dann?

23.10.2008 17:12 • #13

Kein Kommemtar ok.

23.10.2008 17:13 • #14


23.10.2008 17:14 • #15

Hallo Kinski !

Meine gelöschten Beiträge hatten nichts mit dir zu tun.

Weisst du, auch einsamme Menschen können manchmal Stress mit Frauen haben, und als beziehungsfähiger Mensch, löscht man dann schon einmal seine Beiträge, bevor das ganze gute Geschirr durch das Forum fliegt.

Liebe Grüsse,


23.10.2008 17:19 • #16

Für Kinski


23.10.2008 17:24 • #17


Kinski, sei bitte vorsichtig!

23.10.2008 17:44 • #18

Zitat von
Here is our list of ten dead giveaways that your Prince Charming is actually an amphibian in disguise.

1. He Suffers From Vacant Room Syndrome:
He says he wants to meet you but he has absolutely no ideas about where to go or what to do. He shows up empty-handed and unshaven, wearing whatever he found lying on top of the clean laundry pile, he has to clear all the empty six-packs from the front seat of his car for you to squeeze in, and his number one question all night is So whaddya wanna do next?

What does this say? It should tell you that he either is brain-dead or that he is a selfish swine who has not devoted any time to planning out the date or trying to think of what might please you. Men like this never get better: you can expect them also to forget birthdays and anniversaries--and don't expect flowers or presents on Valentine's Day either.

2. He Shows Off His Disgusting Personal Habits:
We all have them but most of us have the common sense to indulge them only in total privacy. Men who feel comfortable enough to share their own weird personal quirks or intestinal gases with you on a first date are either such delightful iconoclasts that you can forgive them; or such unmannerly boors that you might as well prepare now for a lifetime of picking up their rancid socks from the floor. In fact, for some men, disgusting personal habits are almost a badge of pride--that beer-scented belch isn't a belch at all but a sign of their membership in the tribe of men.

Many of us, of course, see most men as in need of some domestic training. But why settle for a handywoman's special? If their mothers were unable to instill good habits in them, you probably won't be able to do a better job.

3. He Bears A Strong Resemblance To Scrooge:
One of the results of women's growing marketplace equality is that we have had to give up one of the perks of traditional femininity: getting the men to pay for everything. Still, though we now expect to pay our own way (at least some of the time), it is a good idea to avoid men who grip a dime just a little too tight.

If your date studies the food bill as if it were his bank statement, and then insists on splitting it down to the exact penny, raise an eyebrow. If he consistently asks you to contribute more than your half share, raise two eyebrows. If he asks to borrow money or tries to make you pay for everything, raise Cain.

Now, it is perfectly acceptable to pay for a man IF that was your agreement going in, or even if you feel spontaneously generous. But let that be YOUR decision, not his. Men who are stingy with you when it comes to money will probably also turn out to be stingy with other things--like emotional support, affection or sex.

Kinski ist bestimmt ein Frosch.

23.10.2008 18:33 • #19

I´am looking forward to read the others.


23.10.2008 19:28 • #20


x 4

Pfeil rechts

Dr. Reinhard Pichler